Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Smitty's 'Do Not Judge' snip 9/14/10

A thought for what may be going on for our fellow humans as we rush around trying to accomplish our daily tasks the way we see fit.As you look around today tomorrow and in our future and past try to be cognoscente that verily you are not the only creature walking this earth with only the goals you need to accomplish. Imagine when someone say calls in to work they really are sick, perhaps sicker than you may know.That when someone has to cancel out on something or is late for something or perhaps takes a little longer to learn something than you may like, that indeed their may be a reason for this.And if that person never tells you the story of why, that is okay, just remember we are each different and are trying to cope with this craziness called life in our own ways the best we can. Like John Lennon said , give peace a chance. Self serenity and thankfulness that we have another day and other ways to continue on this path to humanity.Remember who you are, and do not crave to play with those fundamentally different from you, if you give in to the idea to be like other people you too could turn into a heart as cold as stone.For those of you have experienced this type of thoughtless behavior targeted at you remember this; do not judge yourself by a standard that is not your own, honor your own lost magnificence and by doing so you will restore it.Let your inside reflect on your outside, if it is not what you would like to see than know that you have the power to change it.

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