Friday, July 16, 2010

It's Only Fear

An ever pervasive intensity of cruelty is growing in our culture- a hate and intolerance that appears to be the norm. This is a tragedy in motion, a society where  the majority acts resigned to accept acts of hate. It seems high time for a change, in order to reach change we must understand it.  When we choose to remain sullen and disconnected from our lives, we are the only ones who lose. In this moment of life we call 'today' I beg of you only your attention.

We might not be able to change the corruption of cooperate greed and government, but we can change ourselves. Keeping in mind that the later we start this the more challenging this is. I have much faith in us, our possibilities are only limited by ourselves. Throughout the history of Humankind we have proven capable of great changes. The Berlin Wall, The Irish Peace accord, end of Apartheid-change's happen when we access a way to understanding, lets begin to understand hate. 

Hate, naturally exudes traits of shallowness, narcissism and narrow mindedness. Family is often built and  bred  from unhealthy intolerance~ it is passed down as racism, sexism and homophobia ect. The solution is empathy and strength. empathy is the act of  respectful understanding. A distinguishing feature of empathy  is understanding  what we do not understand. Since Hate commonly appears as mean, cruel, sadistic, rude, what drives it? Hate unmasked seemingly only reveals only fear.

Hate is selfish at all costs. Instead of being resigned to this hate, have faith by  changing how you  think- not only sharing your story, but in listening to others stories as well. In life we will encounter many different people with various morals and ideas, we  will experience more joy in our own  lives by remaining open to our differences.  Try not to not fall victim to behavior that is biased in  bigotry. Never forget that our differences make life more interesting, listen, learn and one day even celebrate them.

Life's experiences  teach us many  good lessons and also  teach us intolerance, hatred, long outdated ideas no longer useful. These beliefs where based on what our parents and teachers, environment showed us and what we absorbed. I feel empathy for people who think there way is always right, as they  believe themselves to the point of limitation. Choose not to behave like those closed  souls, stay open- even as you may be afraid. These fears are in reality  perhaps just different belief systems, something unavoidable. If humanity continues to automatically reject people based only on a prefabricated idea we will never learn.

Humanity must begin to speak up -fight against  what it is opposed to. Be to opposed to hate by not joining it.  Maya Angelou taught me how to speak up when she said, that if you over hear words you are wholly opposed to by saying nothing, you agree. Remember knowing that every single person you encounter teach something to one another. Join humankind,  as we  kindly share the stories with someone new,by connecting  w/ someone unlike yourself,  in the  praise of humanity.It is all about Learning/remembering  that  the true beauty of life is  in our differences remain open~ removing  any negative habits or preconceived ideas you or others  may have. Humankind I love you and see a  new start for us, it starts with you and me.

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